

The field of Physics is vast, spanning from the tiniest particles making up matter and extending to the furthest reaches of space. High school Physics includes extensive studies of the following topics:

• Waves
• Mechanics
• Physics and Math Skills
• Gravitational, Magnetic, Electric/Electromagnetic Fields
• Electromagnetic Induction
• Medical Physics

Grades earned in 30S and 40S Physics are based upon homework, class work and assignments, Challenge Projects, labs, tests and quizzes and a comprehensive final examination.

Physics Links:

Assignments: 30S 40S     Curriculum: 30S 40S              Student Centre
Physics Flash Cards         Skills Canada - Manitoba       Brain POP Videos
Adobe Acrobat                  Online Physics Text                 Challenge Projects
HippoCampus                   MIT Open Courseware             ICT Developmental Continuum

30S Course Syllabus            30S Progress Report                     Course Planning Form